1. Individual Progress. Individual maintains an at-a-glance. AP preparation progress, Key commits, GitHub Analytics, etc. They use this blog to start each individual review.

2. GitHub Pages Blog. Student makes quality effort to record histories and solicit comments on AP, Project work.

3. AP work. All AP work is understood, reviewed, and is determined by Teacher to be your own work. Student should be proactive in demonstrating understanding.

4. Project work. Student follows team requirements and expectations. They are active in the Scrum work and timelines.

  • project work so far:
  • I have signed up for and drafted a plan to use for our lesson design. It is focused around making the lessons more entertaining and engaging. For example, with our lesson on Object instantiation, we have a restaurant simulator where each food item is an object that you feed to customers. And for our lesson on 2D arrays, we have a farming simulator that is based on a 2D grid and allows you to harvest corn.