Week 6

Problems I had

  • On question 3 I incorrectly selected D, I thought that the app would find Alejandra’s location useful considering it could find a restaurant near her, personally, I think this was a bad question but maybe I am just salty.
  • On question 5 I incorrectly answered A, the difference was that one answer talks about iterating through all elements and the other talks about iterating through all subsequent elements.

  • On question 3 I incorrectly selected D, I thought that the values of J and K are replaced but they are actually copied.

Week 7

Problems I had

  • None, all questions correct

Week 8

Final Exam


  1. This problem was supposed to charge customers $5 per unit until they reach 25 units at which point it charges $7 per unit.
    • I incorrectly chose an answer that only charged for units after the 25 marker.
  2. This problem was supposed to set the score of a video game to 30 if time > 120 and 50 otherwise
    • Of the two answers I incorrectly chose one that set the answer to 50 regardless of the score by setting the score to 50 after the if statement. The correct answer is to set the score to 50 before the if statement.
  3. This problem was supposed to append all even numbers under 10 to a list by iterating through a for loop
    • My mistake was iterating(i + 1) before appending even numbers to the list rather than after.
  4. This problem was supposed to switch values of two integers.
    • I incorrectly chose the option that switches both variables to the same value as the first variable, this could have easily been avoided if I reviewed my answer.
  5. This problem was the same as the last, it was supposed to switch the value of two strings.
    • Same as before, I incorrectly chose the option that set both variables to the value of the first variable, I copied the same thought process as the previous question and did not review my answer.
  6. This problem was about if else statements, by checking if certain numbers are greater than each other and adding or subtracting them.
    • In this problem I did not take into account the changes made in the first if-else statement when I solved the second if statement, having a document or a piece of paper to keep these numbers stored would have helped me remember.
  7. This problem iterated through i 5 times, adding i to the overall result every time
    • I incorrectly chose that the result would be 6 because I thought the question was asking about the value of i
  8. This problem took a first name and a last name and was supposed to return the initials using the concat() and Prefix() methods.
    • I incorrectly switched the order of “prefix()” and “concat()” so that my answer would have only returned the initial of the last name, this was another silly mistake that could have been avoided if I reviewed my answer and took my time and the test.


In retrospect a lot of my mistakes were very simple and could have easily been prevented by taking more time and reviewing my answers. Although for the AP test since I don’t have much time I will also need to do more review. Almost all of my missed answers were on easy questions that I should have been able to answer in seconds I reviewed all of the college board material before hand.

For the final next trimester and the AP test I will be sure to review all college board material before taking the test and review all of my answers before submission.