tools and equipment


  • An open source blogging tool with support for Jupyter notebook, markdown, and docs

File types

  • .md: used to create web pages
  • .html: similar to .md files, however, .html is more difficult to use but allows for more effects than .md
  • .ipynb: jupyter notebook uses python and .md in conjunction

VS code

  • Code editor optimized for building and debugging web applications


  • The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows you to run a Linux file system and command line directly on Windows.


  • Operating system for linux, used alongside WSL


  • Command language written for unix shell


  • Where code can be stored on the web, used to clone, push, or pull changes in your code


  • Text based format used for transferring data


  • allows computing capacity in the amazon cloud servers


  • Domain Name System is like the phonebook of the internet where you can access all domain names


  • open source web server that can be used for a multitude of tasks

Unit 2

Bits, bytes, hexadecimals and nibbles: various ways to store data using 1’s and 0’s

Binary numbers: integers are whole numbers and floating points are decimals, both are meant to reduce data consumption

Binary Data Abstractions: various ways binary data is represented in code

Data Compression: storing data in a way to reduce it’s size

Unit 3

Variables, Data Types, Assignment Operators: ways to store data and make calculations in code

Managing Complexity with Variables: ways to store large amounts of data in code

Algorithms, Sequence, Selection, Iteration: ways to edit data and do stuff with it

Expressions, Comparison Operators, Truth Tables: ways to represent logic in code

Characters, Strings, Length, Concatenation, Upper, Lower, Traversing Strings: data types that have to do with characters as opposed to numbers

Python If, Elif, Else conditionals; Nested Selection Statements: basic conditionals that make for basic logic in code

Python For, While loops with Range, with List: loops that allow for repeating certain processes

  • Documentation: Text that explains the what, how, or why of your code.
  • Libraries: A collection of prewritten code or procedures that coders can use to maximize their efficiency.
  • Application Programming Interface: A type of software through several computers are able to communicate information amongst each other.
  • Simulation: simpler abstraction of a complicated natural phenomena
  • Experiment: done in the real world and provide actual results
  • Procedure - named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values.
  • Parameters - input values of a procedure.
  • Modularity - the practice of breaking a complex program into smaller, independent parts or modules that can be used and reused in different parts of the program.