Computer science experience

When I first got arrived at 6:00 I went to A101 to see what cool websites other periods had created.

Metric units converter

The first group I looked at made a website to convert metric units to imperial for cooking purposes. Unfortunately they did not have the website deployed but they did have a working product with frontend and backend communicating. I like their project because it was simple and seemed like it would be in the scope of the N@M deadline.

Vacation planner

The next group I looked at was from the APCSA class and they made a website to help plan out your vacations. The website worked very nice, it was deployed, and the frontend was communicating with the backend, the aspect I liked most was their quiz to test your knowledge of geography. What I admired the most about their group was how they organized their project to have it done in time, their were many things that I learned by talking with their scrum master.

Failed deployment

The final group I visited before needing to leave for jazz band was having trouble with their website deployment.

Jazz band experience

Now it was almost 6:30 and my friends were texting me to get over to the band room because it was almost time to go on stage. I quickly made my way over, warmed up, and reached the stage to play our first tune; “You must believe in spring” with me on lead trumpet.

In the second half of our performance, we played “Games”, a more fast paced tune than the former.


Even though N@M was a little chaotic for me having to run back and forth between jazz band and computer science, it was definitely the most fun I have had at a N@M. In the computer science room I got to see what lots of other people did and by speaking to many people that did better than my group I was able to learn a lot. For example, one of the challenges of my group’s project is how much larger and more complicated it is than most other groups. But by talking to other students with more experience, I learned techniques to speed up project development and finish in time. Finally, it was really fun having this opportunity to play music with band friends and experience the work of other computer science friends.