
question what I did wrong correct answer
3 I incorrectly assumed that storing information in the call session database makes it easy for individuals to trick the system using malicious links. Customers’ personal information could be compromised if an unauthorized individual gains access to the call session database.
5 I incorrectly thought that the least likely thing to be provided by the upgraded system was human representatives will not be needed to respond to some inquiries. The company will be able to provide a human representative for any incoming call.
29 I did not realize that the fifth statement assigns the value false to c. false false false
40 I flipped my rights and lefts, I could have turned the image upside-down to see what it should look like. No change is needed; the algorithm is correct as is.
41 I incorrectly assumed that the genetic codes must be converted from binary to decimal numbers, but the values can be stored in any numerical base as long as they are sorted. The list must be sorted based on the genetic code values.
48 I incorrectly selected one of the two answers for the second one but The process of developing an abstract simulation involves removing specific details or simplifying functionality. A simulation allows investigation of a phenomenon without the real-world limitations on time, safety, or budget.
50 Once again, I incorrectly selected one of the two options but the real answer is different because as the size of the list grows, the number of steps needed to sort the list grows at an exponential rate, as the number of steps is equal to 2n for a list of size n. This indicates that the algorithm does not run in a reasonable amount of time. Algorithm D


The biggest issue I ran into was my lack of reviewing the course material. To make sure I have a strong understanding of the course material, including the concepts and skills covered in the curriculum. take notes on the videos and other resources to ensure I have a solid grasp of the material. I also think it would be helpful to take more practice tests, especially as the exam approaches.