
  • A computing innovation includes a program as an integral part of its function.
  • Collaboration that includes diverse perspectives helps avoid bias in the development of computing innovations. Interpersonal skills learned through collaboration:
    • Communication
    • Consensus Building
    • Conflict resolution
    • Negotiation
  • leave comments in code
  • ask friends and family to test programs and get feedback

Pair Programing:

  • Two programmers work together as pair. One (the driver) writes program code, while the other(the observer, pointer, or navigator) reviews each line of program code as it is typed in. Think-Pair-Share:
  • Students think through a problem alone, pair with a partner to share ideas, and then share results with the class.


What are the benefits of collaborating with your peers?

  1. Effective collaboration produces a computing innovation that reflects the diversity of talents and perspectives of those who designed it.